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Thank you for your interest in EMBRACE THE RACE®.   We happily donate to charities involved in the enhancement of equine athletes and human oriented service.  

In order for EMBRACE THE RACE® to consider a request for event sponsorship or event-related in-kind trade, we ask that a written proposal or letter of request be submitted to the Charitable Contributions Department a minimum of 90 days in advance of the event or program start date.  

To be considered, we require the inclusion of the following information outlined below, along with the event organizer's complete contact information including event website.

  • Name of event with short description/mission
  • Date
  • Location
  • Number of participants/spectators
  • Email list size of the organization
  • Media associated with the event including social media outlets
  • What product you are requesting (EMBRACE THE RACE® product or gift cards only - we do not make monetary donations)
  • If you are requesting a sponsorship, please include what EMBRACE THE RACE® is being asked to supply.

While we are honored to receive so many requests, we are unable to support them all.  We regret we can only respond to the inquiries we wish to pursue.  In order to ensure that all requests are reviewed and fairly considered, all requests must follow these guidelines. We are unable to confirm the status of requests or receipt of requests by phone.  If your request is approved, you will receive official confirmation via email. Your patience is appreciated.  

**  Use of the EMBRACE THE RACE® name, logo or trademarks must be approved by EMBRACE THE RACE®.  

Thank you for your interest.  

     Email:  donations@embracetherace.com


EMBRACE THE RACE® produces a one of a kind reaction. It’s a wonderfully unique combination of emotion and style that connects with our clients.